Daring to Dream’s mission is to support the emotional health & wellbeing of patients, aged 16 years and over, under the care of hospital clinics across Wales.
It has a primary (but not exclusive) focus in supporting ward-based and community-based patients within the geographical area covered by Cardiff & the Vale University Health Board. For patients, the emotional demand of being chronically, seriously, or critically ill, is on top of the immense physical demands generated by the ill-health itself.
In order to respond as well as possible on a physical level to their health challenges, it is essential that they also dig deep emotionally.
Daring to Dream aspires to help patients dare to dream that their life can still be full of colour and joy.
We support the emotional health and wellbeing of patients in Wales by helping patients nurture and maintain connections and connectivity, to themselves, their family and friends, the world about them, their emotions, their hobbies, and interests by delivering projects including:
• Provision of safe, comfortable, and comforting patient dayrooms in different clinical wards; dayrooms that do not feel or look like “hospital rooms” and encourage patients to be out of bed, socialise and connect with fellow patients and family and hence encourage steps towards recovery and reconnection with the confidence to go home.
• Visitors’ Rooms across clinical areas. Rooms that provide a safe and comforting space for close family to rest and connect when they are attending and supporting their critically or seriously ill loved one 24/7.
• Quiet Rooms in different clinical areas. These rooms aim to provide a cwtch, a safe haven. They are for those tragically all too frequent complicated and hugely tough conversations with clinicians and their team; rooms in which to safely connect with huge emotions and express confusion, hurt, fear, tears and grief and within which to find support and comfort.
• Improved digital connection with devices and accessories • Provision of uplifting personal care and therapies such as hairdressing, music, reflexology, hand massage.
• Connecting patients to recommended, safe and free online support services and activities We fundraise via individual sponsored events, being named charity at business dinners and online conferences, regular giving and one off donations too.
Daring to Dream is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales (number: 1190590).
More about the charity and to get in touch, click here