All year round, we get lots of lovely messages for us to play a song or two for a loved one (… some wanting songs for themselves too which is fine too!)

On the Saturday before Christmas, we’re going to be handing over the entire station to YOU for a few hours with the tunes that you’ve selected.

We’d love you to let us know what you’d like to hear… and just because it’ll be two days before the 25th December, it does NOT have to be Christmas song! It could be one of your favourite songs of 2023, one of your favourite songs of all time but of course if you want to choose a festive classic, you’re more than welcome to do so.

Send us a voice note on WhatsApp to 02920743389 introducing who you are, what song you’ve chosen and why you’ve selected that song (one WhatsApp voice note per song request) or you can fill in the form below!

**The date has passed**

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