You have to be 17 to join Hospital Radio Glamorgan, and rules are rules, however, when 10 year old Solomon Wilson sent a very enthusiastic email asking to join our band of volunteers, we had to politely say no, and ask him to come back in 7 years time… an eternity for a 10 year old.

But after delving deeper into the contents of Solomon’s email and discovering that he had been involved in school radio and presents his own shows twice a week one at breakfast and one drivetime both from home for his friends to hear online, we certainly didn’t want to dampen his enthusiasm.

Our current chairman was 12 when he first got involved with HRG, so who knows what might happen?

So, Susie, Andrew & Beth from the Midweek Mix team, invited Solomon and his parents to join them on the show which they did last Wednesday (May 8th).

Solomon’s eyes lit up as he entered the studio and had so many questions to ask, although he may have known more about the technical side of things than the three regulars. He took part in a couple of the features including Compare & Contrast, and took control of the desk for the first half of The Birthday File too.

As we start to write this two hours after coming off air, we doubt that Solomon has come down to earth yet, and his Dad was worried about bed time.  Although Wilson Senior has bigger worries, such as converting the shed, or what Mother Wilson called her Summer House, into a radio station.

The Midweek Mix Team all agreed that it was one of the most fun additions of the show ever and that they look forward to seeing Solomon back at the John Wilce Studio in 2034 for his own show!

If you’re 17 or over and fancy volunteering with Hospital Radio Glamorgan then tap here

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