We here at Radio Glamorgan, are excited to be working with the charity ‘Daring to Dream’.
Both organisations are committed to the importance of music in supporting and connecting with patients who are at home or on hospital wards.
The Daring to Dream fund supports and promotes the emotional health and well-being of adult* (those aged 16 years and above) patients (both those on wards and then as they become out-patients) in Cardiff & Vale University Health Board (primarily but not exclusively).
Daring to Dream supports well-being of patients in Wales by providing:
Safe, comfortable and comforting spaces in different clinical areas. Rooms that do not feel or look like ‘hospital rooms’ but offer comfort and a space to catch up with family, to talk with clinicians including those really tough ones about end of life.

They work with clinical areas to refurbish
a) Patient dayrooms on wards
b) Visitors’ Rooms
c) Quiet Rooms
Improved digital connection with devices and accessories
Provision of uplifting personal care and therapies such as hairdressing, music, reflexology, hand massage, utilising further those refurbished rooms
Connecting patients to NHS Wales-recommended, safe and free online support services and activities.
For more about Daring to Dream, head to their website here
Through this website
Using the RG App/TuneIn
“Play Hospital Radio Glamorgan”